Yeah so, am I feeling heavenly? Not really. Not at all, actually. It's been three long years since I dreamed of getting through JEE. Not aware of the reality then, IIT seemed something out-of-the-world, where over-intelligent alienated humans prevailed and ruled over the less-fortunate engineering junta in other institutions. Now, it really feels like just-another-college. Okay, maybe a lot better than just-another-college, but surely nothing close to being heavenly.
Face it people, IIT is not a big thing today. I mean, anyone taking as obscure a branch as architecture in as obscure a place as Kharagpur has the "privilege" of being called an IITian. So what's the big deal? There are a few odd thousands of students
And it's not only about the low rankers; thankfully because of the awesome Kota system, dickheads who know nothing about the environment around them, who've spent more than two years of their life in those dingy classrooms cramming up stuff, get a good rank and a good branch. What's their aim in life? Ek baar IIT mein ghus jaao yaar, fir to masti hi karni hai. Balls. You bastard, IIT does not want people who think JEE is an end. JEE is just a beginning. But hardly does anyone realize it. And those school-education-impaired teachers who teach them in coaching classes don't help anyone either. I mean, how can you just give away two years of your school life! And that too two crucial years of 11th and 12th, when your brain actually learns the most about the world around!
A decade ago, yes, IIT was actually a heavenly place to be. People did cram and get in in those times too, but the percentage was not as much as it has become now. And ofcourse there were a lot lesser seats, precisely half of what is now. And the subjective pattern did test a lot more of inherent intelligence than the current objctive pattern. Today, more than half of the students in IITs are from those Kota classrooms! And the rest aren't great either. Cool people from Bombay-Delhi and other big cities rule too. Late night booze parties and other high-society-city-life stuff are happily introduced by them, and getting drunk is no longer a wrong this to do. Dad's having loads of cash, son/daughter in an IIT. Nothing to worry about in the world. Others can go get a life.
There is the third category too, consisting of genuinely intelligent students. Most of the Bhilai students are like that, I feel. Monseigneur Shashank S. Dwivedi being the prime example. That's why I used to think, when in 11th, that most people in IITs are like our Bhilai heroes. Alas, I now realize that they actually are in a very insignificant minority. But still, the condition in IITB is a lot better than places like Kgp and Roorkee, which needless to say are pathetic places to be, from the "intellectual" quality of students and prevalent college culture point of view, however good their infrastructure and faculty might be.
But enough said and done, IITB is still the best tech college in the country. Period. So bas aage aage dekho, hota hai kya. Just hoping for the best. :)
I see that you are a bit over your head now that you are a student of "ZOMFG IIT PWNS TEH WORLD" and i quite agree with your views stated. But, i see that your posts are pretty structured, well written and relatively free of errors( Nice job!).
Did you ever consider applying somewhere other than India? With a genuine interest in Physics, you could have gone to Uppsala or ETH Zurich not to mention the Ivy League.
I know that IIT is quite reputed and so but right now, i can't help despise it. They claim in newspapers that our desi IIT HaXX0rs rule every tech company and Aerospace organisation but i could not disagree more. Where is the proof for it? Just because you have one ZOMG IIT grad working a low level job at CMU doesn't mean that he owns the place. Infact, come to think of it, have there actually been any Nobel laureates from the ZOMG IIT?None/Zilch/Nada?Null/Niente. So what's all this hype about?
[I may be wrong im an 11th grade student and most of my friends are currently in coaching classes trying to get into ZOMG IIT( most of them think that Computer Science actually is IT :P and an Aerospace degree is all you need to work at NASA. Not to mention that most of those arseholes will go and do an MBA later.Sorry excuses for Engg/Sc grads)] while im sitting at home OC'ing my Hackintosh to get upto the specs of a Macbook Pro. Also none of them have ever installed RAM!!!!!! Truly ZOMG.
Oh and sorry for my oh so frequent use of ZOMG even though i know i ought to type it in lowercase.
Well, I know my limitations in vocabulary, so I try to at least be above average with my grammar and stuff.
Applying outside India? Well, it's not only a case of considering or not considering, mate. I belong to a middle class family, and undergraduate education abroad is something my parents won't be able to afford at all. I do want to go abroad though, for a PhD, and money won't be a problem then because the so called "IIT brand" should hopefully give me a good scholarship for my further studies.
But as you said, giving examples to, IIT is actually over-hyped. All people want is to earn as much cash as possible. See, wanting to earn money is not a bad thing, infact even I want to have a comfortable salary, but the problem arises when you make earning money the ONLY aim in your life.
And for your friends, just wait till someone does enter into an IIT. He will surely know the reality in just the first few months of higher stay. Surviving in an IIT is not as easy as people think, and to get into all those "dream" companies or institutions, you have to be th best amongst the very best even in an IIT, which needless to say very few are actually able to be.
Anyway, sorry for replying so late. I don't have my own laptop here with me for the time being so can't reply frequently.
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