Sunday, December 27, 2009

Somewhere You Belong

I believe not that you don't exist,
Though they perpetually say so.
They say it ain't possible, for you to be perfect.
But then you're so perfect, in those occult dreams of mine.
And I have them each time, and you're there, just the same.

You make me feel so great, it ain't possible to explain.
It maybe just your aura, or it is just your speech.
You're ever so beautiful, more from the inside than out.
I feel drunk, doped, insane, yet serene,
You just need to be there, just need to smile.

There's that childish innocence etched into you,
But you're as mature as any other being.
When you speak, planets cease to revolve,
Time stops, and there's nothing but your voice,
Echoing through thin air, enchanting everyone alive...

I know that you exist, for all that is so real.
I know you're no angel, I don't believe in angels.
You're a mortal, born out of your mother's womb,
As any other being, but you're ever so unique,
There's none like you, coz you are impeccable.

Yes, you are, and you'll come out of those dreams,
And kiss me so tender, there won't be night or day.
What would be is just me, you, and those butterflies,
Fluttering around and flapping their wings,
And creating typhoons in a far-flung universe...

~ 27th of December, 2009. 5:10 AM to 5:24 AM.
Fourteen minutes of joblessness.
Forty eight hours of sleeplessness.


Rukhiya said...

Ahaha! What do we have here! Pammy is penning and pinning us down. Did we just read about the lake girl again?
The image you give towards the end, in that last stanza is lovely. Could be tighter but 'tis nice all the same. Keep writing :)

Bongonymous2 said...

Still an amateur, Rukhiya. But trying to improve nevertheless. :)

Bongonymous2 said...

Plus I added some chaos theory crap in the last stanza. :D

Priyanka said...

lovely. :)

Bongonymous2 said...

If Priyanka thinks it's good then I can't but believe her. :P

Arpan Saha said...

Hahaha, liked the chaos theory reference. It's a beautiful poem. We ought to be giving it a tune, 'coz the lyrics are very sing-able (is that a word?).

himanshu dixit,,.......... said...

ur insightful poetic frisk pulled out this ...good... keep the flow gng...

Penny Lane said...

i am awed....beautiful poem :)

Bongonymous2 said...

thanks! :)

Archana Das said...

"I don't believe in angels"
are u writing all ur posts urself..

btw.. awesome.. u dont seem so amateurish now in ur poetic "attemps"

Bongonymous2 said...

I never said I believed in angels, in real life. I'm as staunch an atheist as can ever be. My previous post was of course fictional in that "angel" part, I never said that I believe in angels in real life. :)