Friday, June 19, 2009

Trying to be away from negative thoughts

This would be a common problem for people like me, people who think a lot, about the past, present, and the future. People who can get paranoid by just raking up a thought without actually anything happening, or at times turn surprisingly cheerful because something seems to work for them. But only in their head. It's the dream-future-world which changes it's form, not the real world.

It's a stupid thing, or put in layman terms, an immature thing. I call it a layman term in this scenario, because calling someone or something immature does not take into account the thousands of small links which actually makes him/her/it what he/she/it is. But stupid or immature, the fact is that it is undesirable. It is negative. It is not the way to be.

What we don't understand when a negative depressing thought enters our mind is the consequence. Or precisely, we don't try to understand. It does no good, a negative thought. It depresses you, it makes you unhappy. And there is no practical consequence of a negative thought, that is needless to say.

There are some simple methods to be away from negative thoughts. I don't know much about mind-control and stuff like that; I am not a spiritual guru. But what I do know is that mind-control is a great thing. It's the pinnacle of achievement for a human being, because he can then be calm and happy and cheerful under any circumstance. What more does one want, be it the poor villager or the exorbitantly rich industrialist?

Yeah so, coming back to the methods, which I think are useful under a lot of circumstances when one can potentially get depressed by a thought. Some simple things which can be practised easily.

1. Whenever you feel you are thinking about something which is depressing you, immediately try to visualize what consequence it will have on you. Not just visualize, try to feel it, re-create the situation for an instant, in your brain, when you are pissed and depressed and feel like nothing to do. And then say to yourself "why the heck was I thinking about that? I have other works to do." If you do it properly, it works. It worked for me, and I am no spiritual guru, as I said earlier.

2. Don't plan much about the future, or regret much about the past. It is useless, hopeless. Thinking about depressing things from the past is practically the most useless thing to do; it is of no good consequence whatsoever. And planning much about the future is actually an invitation to unhappiness; most plans actually don't end up the way we want them to, and it's a fact. It's better not to plan much, and if we do plan, we should be ready for a plan B and plan C. And still be ready for hte situation in which the plan C too may fail.

3. Try not to sit idle. It's an important thing. A busy mind will not be a host for the parasitic negative thoughts. It's the idle mind which is most vulnerable, for we always have the urge to "try out" a thought.

4. And then, try as much as you can, to be cheerful even in hopeless situations. People don't understand that being grim actually serves no practical purpose. And in people I include me too. It's not easy at all, I know, but if some effort is put in it will bear many fruits.

There might be many other infinite ways to be away from negative thoughts; I think a small browse through any "mind control" web page will make you learn a lot more than those seemingly obvious points I mentioned. But these were just some things which I tried in various situations, and actually felt that they work. :)

And yeah, these things might seem worthless and "get a life, dude!" kind of things to the hedonists, people who only gain happiness in what they say is "having fun." They think they're happy, they think all these "thoughts and stuff" are bullshit. But you know, to put it honestly, this happiness is actually fake happiness. It arises actually out the want to be happy, and not the need. There is a difference, and I think, in this case, the need is stronger than the want. Hedonists are actually ignorant, to put it blatantly.
Ignorance is a bliss, agreed, but one can't be ignorant for all of his/her life. Every child grows up. And when those bubbles of ignorance eventually vanish, they will actually understand how "happy" they are.

Yeah so, not to worry much about the hedonists, I'd certainly like to know if these things do work on anyone else, other than me. No, I actually don't expect anyone to read this post. People have better works to do, lol.

But I would like to know, nevertheless. I can only wait. :)

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